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Tarpey, the betting favourite

Basketball: Tarpey, the favorite

MOOD – Manceau, who is 28 years old and a surprise guest of the France group at the EuroBasket, has earned a name for himself in the spotlight by consistently putting in a lot of effort. Refreshing.

Who in their right mind would have thought that? Terry Tarpey, the author of a successful season with Le Mans (8.5 points, 34.9% at 3 points, 5.6 rebs, 2.6 wt, 1.7 assists), made his debut in Blue during the international windows in November of last year. Meetings that Vincent Collet needs to write for but cannot include players currently competing in the NBA or Euroleague. It was not the kind of gathering that would immediately pave the way for a spectacular competition at a later date… At that time, nobody would have staked even a kopeck on the fact that a Franco-American winger who spoke with an American accent would have made it to the knife in the 12 spots for the party in Germany. At first glance, the fact that he was one of the 17 players chosen for the preliminary roster would come as a surprise.

In the end, the individual in question concluded Euro 2022 as a member of the five majors and in the top 10 of the tournament’s greatest interceptors (1.7 per match). 20.3 minutes played, 5.4 points, 4.3 rebounds, and 1.6 assists totaled. Not impressive? These numbers do not provide a sufficient basis on which to evaluate its impact. There is also every other possibility. What is not visible in…

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