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Almonds help control blood glucose in diabetics and prediabetics

Almonds help control blood glucose

The inclusion of almonds in the daily diet can help control and lower blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes and prediabetes, a specialist explained this Saturday.

“The nutritional content of almonds is excellent and can be a great snack alternative for those living with diabetes,” said Carmen Ruiz Monroy, clinical nutritionist for physical activity and sports.

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day that is celebrated every November 14, Ruiz Monroy explained that, for example, a serving of 23 almonds has the same protein content as 30 grams of cheese or meat.

He specified that this portion offers a powerful package of nutrients: 6 grams of protein, which helps fight hunger; 4 grams of dietary fiber; 7.3 milligrams of vitamin E; 76 milligrams of magnesium, and 210 milligrams of potassium.

“They also have good fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which are the fats that take care of our arteries, our tissues, and vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, which helps patients with diabetes to maintain and maintain their tissues”, he said.

Diabetes is a disease that has been increasing throughout the world. According to the most recent 2019 report from the International Diabetes Federation, more than 463 million adults worldwide suffer from it.

It is estimated that in Mexico alone there are at least 13 million people with diabetes.


Ruíz Monroy pointed out that, based on studies funded by the Almond Board of California, it was shown that the consumption of almonds helps control blood sugar and moderates blood glucose levels.

“With regard to cholesterol, the same thing happens. When a person has diabetes, the damage also occurs in the cardiovascular system and unfortunately, 50% of diabetics will develop hypertension problems,” he said.

Likewise, he said that consuming almonds during meals reduces postprandial blood glucose and chronic ingestion reduces hemoglobin.

In addition, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that including almonds in the eating plan of people living with diabetes or prediabetes can improve certain risk factors for this disease.

The study analyzed the effects of consuming a diet that included almonds with factors related to the evolution of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adults with prediabetes.

After 16 weeks of consuming a diet with almonds, the group that consumed the diet added with almonds showed statistically significant improvements in the indicators of insulin sensitivity and LDL cholesterol levels, which are risk factors for heart disease and diabetes type 2

“Almonds are a ‘smart’ snack for everyone, including those with type 2 diabetes as part of a healthy eating plan, as they also help avoid prolonged fasts” he argued.

Finally, he insisted on the importance of patients with diabetes visiting a nutritionist who guides them to know what to eat and how to eat it.

“It is about making lifestyle changes, not only about pharmacological treatment but also about how they are eating, how we spend calories, that is something we have to attend to,” he concluded.

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