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The gleaming allure of native gemstones

The stainless charm of regional jewels
The Lacemaker of Espaly, a painting by Leon Giron from 1888 may be found in the Puy-en-Velay museum. She is wearing her earrings, a gold row necklace, and a Holy Spirit de Brioude crucifix.

The bidding is sparked by these priceless relics of French popular culture that have been abandoned in all four corners of the country. Their history is documented in a book.

His experience lends credence to his hypothesis. According to Mike Fieggen, author of Jewelry the French, “people no longer see what they have in front of them every day.” [citation needed] It is typically non-natives, with new perspectives, who wonder at the jewels of heritage and take part in their restoration. He is a jeweler from Australia, but he was born in New Zealand, and he moved to France at the end of the 1980s. He chose France because it is “where the resources and the history of the diamond are extraordinarily rich.” This collector of vintage automobiles and admirer of French culture established a store in the Louvre des Antiquaires in the year 1993. It is easy for him to find treasures because he follows a straightforward strategy. First, he picks a city whose potential he can smell, then he places an ad in the local newspaper, and finally, he books a hotel room to meet with customers who are interested in selling their finery that is lying around in the bottom of jewelry boxes. “I noticed thousands of rings, crosses, and necklaces, ranging in age and origin from all over the world. I dug into the books in an attempt to locate them…

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